We Are Cicayda Series – Featuring Haley Carpenter

Haley Carpenter is the Director of Managed Review Services with Cicayda. Haley received her Juris Doctorate from the University of Mississippi School of Law and is a member of the Mississippi Bar Association. As a licensed attorney, Haley serves as a Managed Document Review project liaison for our clients, assisting our clients in all aspects of their review projects. Haley’s professional expertise in drafting effective review protocols, coordinating team training, monitoring pace and workflow, and best practice recommendations have proven successful in hundreds of document review projects

1. What is your advice for women in a male-dominated industry, such as tech?
I think my best advice would be trust your skills and yourself. There is a reason you were given the job and placed in the position you are in, trust that and work hard and you will continue to see growth in your career. I feel incredibly lucky to work for a company and leaders who trust my skills and empower me to use them to run the managed review division.
2. What do you enjoy most about being a Review Manager in eDiscovery?
My favorite part of my job is getting to work every day with both our clients and our document review attorneys. I get to assist clients on the behind the scenes aspects of kicking off and managing a document review and then also get to be “on the ground” with our team throughout the review, ensuring it is a success for all parties involved.
3. What do you enjoy most about working at Cicayda?
Hands down, the people I get to work with. We are a small team and everyone brings a variety of talents and specialties. Everyone wears multiple hats, and I feel truly lucky to work with such a talented group of people that are always willing to jump in and help each other out.